Still Water

Still waters run deep is a proverb of Latin origin now commonly taken to mean that a placid exterior hides a passionate or subtle nature.

This installation reflects a sight becoming less common within manmade interiors - Insects trapped within lights. How the natural world is being impacted, our loss of biodiversity.

This piece aims to encourage viewers to reflect on the current climate crisis, the full picture only being visible upon closer inspection.

It invites the viewer to consider the precarity in which we are balancing, having electricity placed so close to the water.

This thin strip of light within a dark room aims to echo a sarcophagus within a tomb, the loss and attempt to preserve nature, holding it in high regard.

This installation was first built at the end of 2020 and then again in a new location in 2023.

Materials : light box, wooden podium, Perspex trough, water, paper insects.


Clearing 2021


Shifting light 2020